Sunday School

Church School…A.K.A. Sunday School
It begins as soon as the Church Service is over at approximately 10:30 A.M. and lasts until 11:30 A.M. Classes are offered for all ages. Questions can be directed to Tina Pollock, Education Chairman. Everyone is welcome to come join us.

Junior Church

Any child in grades K-4 is welcome to go downstairs for Junior Church following the children’s message. There they will have a short lesson and a craft. Any questions please contact Amy Sellers.


We have a full staffed nursery for ages 0 to Preschool. This nursery is available from the beginning of the church service through church school. An intercom system is hooked up in the nursery so if the parents want to stay with their children they will not miss the sermon. A crib, changing table, baby swings, toys, etc. is all awaiting your child. There is also a bathroom in the nursery for those children that are potty-training. The nursery is located right outside the sanctuary, to the right, and down two flights of stairs. If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Thompson.


We have classes available for grades K-5 during Church School. Your classes are as follows:

Birth to Kindergarten Taught by Cathy McClure

Grades 1-4 Shelly Holden, Jean Leary, Pam Bowan

Grades 5-7 Julie Fegley

Grades 8th-12th or Senior High Vicki Saylor

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